Bye Bye Baby's First Year. Hello The New Home Ec.
Thank you everyone for reading my baby related ramblings on Babble's Baby's First Year. As of tomorrow I will be moving over to Babble's The New Home Ec where I will be posting on fun things like... cleaning, crafts, diy, green living, budget, home decorating, money, saving, organization, sewing, storage, finance, moving, gardening, painting, home, renovation, and home repair. Ok maybe not all those things are fun (ha!) but do stop in and say hi. If you have any interesting posts on these subjects, be sure to send me a link. I'd love to hear all about it!
xoxo, Jacinda
And thank you for allowing me one last chance to post a random photo of Gordon doing his Longhorn suck. I want to eat his little face when I look at it.