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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Simplest (and Most Tastiest) Strawberry Shortcake

I just had to share this Strawberry Shortcake recipe with you, because it's one of those last-minute desserts that makes a lady look super fancy, yet it can be made in under 30 minutes with stuff most of us have in the pantry (much like our super-popular scones recipe).

We know Prudent Mamas are all about homemade goodness with minimal (read: we have kids) time investment. Read on to find out how to make super-simple strawberry shortcake from scratch after the jump...

Super Simple Strawberry Shortcake Recipe

First let's get the strawberries prepped. You can use frozen or fresh, about 2 quarts worth, but whatever you have on hand will be fine. If frozen, defrost. Put two cups or so in a bowl and mash with a potato masher until a bunch of juices are released, but you still have some yummy clumps 'o berry. Slice the rest of the berries and add them to the bowl. Pour 5 tablespoons of sugar on top and stir.

Let that sit for 30 minutes or so while you make your shortcakes.

For the shortcake, preheat your oven to 425.

Whisk your dry ingredients together:
2 cups flour
5 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder

Take a stick of unsalted butter and cut into pieces. Use a pastry blender or food processor to blend it into the dry ingredients until you have a coarse meal. Keeping the butter cold is important, so if you can, chill it after you cut it into bits but before you mix it in. Once you start mixing it, don't let it warm too much or your shortcake will be less fluffy and delicious.

In a small bowl combine 1/3 cup whole milk and 1/3 cup cream (or you can use 2/3 cup half and half) with 1 large egg. Beat lightly, then pour into bowl with your other ingredients. Combine all your ingredients, but don't overmix. Now your dough is ready.

You can make your shortcakes biscuit shaped (just use the floured rim of a drink glass to cut circles), but I love this Wilton Dessert Shell Pan, because it creates little cup shapes. The resulting cakes are extra fun and the pan works with any kind of cake batter, it's just perfect for desserts where adding ice cream or whip cream really makes it. So either grease the pan and pat the dough into it, or pat it into a rectangle 1" thick and cut your shapes out (you could also use a cookie cutter to make heart biscuits or some other simple shape). Then brush the tops with a beaten egg white and sprinkle with a tablespoon or so of sugar.

Bake at 425 for 12 minutes, then let cool for another ten minutes.

While those are baking, make some whip cream. Making whip cream is ridic easy: Just pour a cup of heavy cream into your mixer, add a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla, and beat until hard peaks form.

Now grab your warm shortcake:

Spoon in some strawberry filling:

And dollop some whip cream on top:

Spoon some more strawberry goodness over it if you like.

Devour. And be like that old commercial for rice krispie treats where the lady is reading romance novels in the kitchen and flicking flour on her face to look busy, 'cause they're so easy, yet everyone is so impressed with her mad kitchen skillz. 'Cause while it may not seem that way from reading this recipe, when you actually make this strawberry shortcake you will be surprised by how simple it is in relation to the adulation you will receive (and satisfaction you will feel) after preparing it.

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Blogger Jeanine The Crafting Fiend said...

oh man I miss dairy!!!!! Got a major dairy allergy with pregnancy and even though my baby is 1yr old I still have the allergy :(

August 24, 2011 at 8:37 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh Jen! That's a bummer! Did you know you can make a pretty good replacement using cashews?Goggle cashew whipped cream and you'll get s slew of recipes!

August 24, 2011 at 8:50 AM  
Blogger Shavone said...

I just saw that Wilton pan in AC Moore last night. You gave me a great idea.. that well in the center would be the perfect nest for ice cream on blondies!

Hey, Jen! You can make a vegan whipped "cream" made with tofu if you can handle soy. If not -

August 24, 2011 at 8:53 AM  
Blogger Jen @ Craftincowgirl said...

Looks delicious! This is a must try for me!! Thanks for sharing!

December 20, 2011 at 10:17 PM  

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