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Prudent Baby

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Simple Hot Mess Mommy Cardi Tutorial

Jessica from Sew Homegrown is here to share her DIY for a Hot Mess Mommy Cardi. How cute does she look? Isn't this perfect to dress up a t-shirt and jeans as the weather cools off? So grab that pretty voile or rayon you've been saving and get to work. Take it away Jessica...

Hey Prudent Baby readers!  It's always a pleasure to visit here and share a tutorial. Today I have a simple and quick cardi you can whip up in no time.  I left the front open and flowy, so that means no buttons or snaps or anything. Easy right? Let's get started!

Here are the supplies you'll need:
  • 1 yard of 60" wide fabric - preferably something flowy like voile or rayon
  • Thread/scissors/sewing machine
  • yardstick
  • a shirt that fits you kinda loosely

Step 1:  Fold your fabric in half so the fold is at the top as shown below and lay your shirt on top of the fabric.

Step 2:  Measure down 7" or 8" from the top fold on one edge and cut straight across toward the underarm of the existing shirt.  Stop about 1/2" from the shirt then follow along the side seam cutting down to the selvage.

Step 3. Remove the shirt and fold the material right to left and cut out the other side of the fabric - using the first half as a pattern.  When you unfold it, it should look like this:

Step 4:  Cut along the fold at the top to make a front and back piece.

Step 5. Then cut down the center of the top layer only.

So now you should have 3 pieces:  1 back panel and 2 front panels

Step 6:  Along the top split edge, place a pin that lines up with the underarm.

Step 7. Then gather the material from the center split to the pin, using a basting stitch. 

Step 8. After you've sewed it, pull the threads so that it measures about 5".
Repeat this process with the other front panel.

Step 9:  Now lay both front panels on the back panel, right sides together and pin along the top edge.  Make sure the ends of the sleeves line up. 

Step 10. Sew along the top edge of one panel, stopping when you reach the center split. Sew the other panel on.

When you turn it right sides out, it should look like this:

Step 11:  Finish all of the raw edges (along the back neckline, down both center front panels, and the edges of the sleeves) by pressing each edge under 1/4" then under 1/4" again.  Top stitch in place.
(I didn't finish the bottom edge because it was a selvage, but if yours isn't or if you are my mom and need every edge finished...go ahead and do the same thing with the bottom edge.)

Step 12:  Final step!  Turn the cardi inside out and pin the underarm and side edge of the front panels to the underarm and side edges of the back panel. (you should be pinning right sides together.)  Sew a seam from the edge of the sleeve to the bottom of the cardi on each side, using a zig zag stitch.
(please imagine that the fabric is right sides together in this picture)

Turn your cardi inside out and you're ready to go!

If you have any questions feel free to email me at jessica(at)sewhomegrown(dot)com. 
I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Thanks Prudent Baby for having me on.
Happy Sewing!

Be sure to visit Sew Homegrown for more of Jessica's lovely projects like the Anthro-Inspired Blooming Deer Pillow or  Beginner Maxi Dress or Vintage Market Bag. And don't miss her Scrap-Busting Hair Bows here on Prudent Baby.

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Blogger Amanda said...

Oh my! I LOVE it!!!

September 13, 2011 at 3:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute! And easy!

September 13, 2011 at 5:41 AM  
Blogger Jaime said...

i was just trying something like this on at anthro yesterday thinking how cute it would be to make one! this is perfect!

September 13, 2011 at 7:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Awesome! I'm going to try that by cutting a sweatshirt.

September 14, 2011 at 6:45 AM  
Blogger Kat said...

I just made one of these with knit and I love it!! Im going to try a few different variations with different fabrics!! Thank you for this tut, it was super easy and I literally did it in 15 minutes (after the kids were in bed of course lol)

September 19, 2011 at 3:58 PM  
Blogger Shanea said...

Quite the cardi! Love it and I will certainly put it in the works to do really soon. Thanks for sharing!!

October 2, 2011 at 3:38 PM  

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