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Prudent Baby

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Link Love

I want to recreate this adorable and unique birthday idea.

30% off all Silhouette products until September 13th.

Time to make something for yourself now, Mamas.

Learn how to make a polka-dot-cake.

Two weeks of projects inspired by games. There are so many games to choose from. I cannot wait to see what they come up with.

Ohio's Win a Baby Contest. Enough said.

I never knew you could be so creative with this easy on-the-go snack. This mom makes pirates, umbrellas and even something for all those Angry Birds fans.

While you are surfing the internet today (because of course your kids are sitting quietly reading after your 2 year old has just made them all a snack) don't forget to stop by Twitter and add us for Prudent Baby updates.

Although summer is coming to a close, I could not help but fall in love with this 9-12 month vintage bathing suit. I just wish it came in my size too.

Wonderfully easy and perfect for Fall project.

Instead of buying more plastic boxes why not add some extra closet space with a hint of nature?

Halloween is just around the corner and we all know the little ones are going to want to live in their costumes. Here is a nice every day alternative that is a lot easier than putting on a princess dress or a dragon suit every morning.

Let's hear it from the Dads. First, childbirth. Second, hypo-kid-dria. What will be next?

Those baby wipes and their plastic white container are going to be around a little while longer. Try using this tutorial to give it a chic makeover.

We all know we can't be clean all the time. Stop by our Facebook to tell us about those scary, messy, craft/sewing spaces and then email us those disastrous pictures. We will be brainstorming a project to do with all of them.

Children of 9/11 speak. Even the short write-up brought tears to my eyes.

Everyday we're Babblin'...

So many great ideas for Rainbow themed birthdays.
Time to start looking for those football party projects.
It's almost time to get started on making those Halloween costumes.
H&M is finally online. Start shopping.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great roundup of links! Thanks! I love that tunic, and I have my sewing machine out on the kitchen table today. Maybe I need to put it to good use. :)

Just a question: would it be possible to make the Link Love posts have URLs that open in a separate window? I do a lot of open, read, back, open, read, back. I guess I could be smart enough to just right click and open in a new window, but, well, I haven't finished my coffee yet.

September 9, 2011 at 6:15 AM  
Blogger Itty Bitty Beasties said...

Awesome Idea Overload!!!
Those umbrella snacks would make an adorable baby shower treat as well! Little candy canes would make cute umbrella handles, for a sweet snack after the cheese, too!

September 9, 2011 at 10:11 AM  
Blogger Elisabeth said...

Thank you for the link, Jaime and Jacinda! And for all the other fantastic inspiration...

September 10, 2011 at 1:12 PM  
Blogger Sasha said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

September 11, 2011 at 9:46 AM  

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