Well, if this isn't the cutest thing we've ever seen. Aneela Hoey Little Apples - Round and Round in Aqua features adorable illustrated children frolicking about playing sweet old fashioned games. Hopscotch, marbles, red-rover, ring-around-the-rosie, Simon says, hula hoop, freeze tag... what's your favorite (or least favorite) old-school childhood game? I hated Dodge Ball. I feel like we played dodge ball every gym class and it totally stressed me out. Plus the picking of teams. The WORST!
To enter to win a yard of this adorable fabric, tell us your favorite or least favorite childhood game (and why if you have a story.)
See the entire collection here.
Leave your comment anytime between now and next Friday, September 23rd. Tweet, stumble, or share on facebook and leave another comment letting us know. Come back every day for new entries. We'll randomly select a winner and announce right here next Friday.
Find out who won last week's Fabric Friday after the jump...
The winner of a yard of Cross Town from Alexander Henry. is...
- Haha. Ohhh my first car was a 15 passenger van, provided by the parents! If you couldn't guess, I am from a big family. So that's what I drove to school and such.
Good luck everyone!
Labels: Giveaways
British Bulldog!
Jumping rope was how I spent time with my friends after school, those years and years ago. Singing jumping and having fun. (sigh) :)
I agree about dodge ball. The thought of balls flying at me with the throwers intending to *hit* me was very stressful. And heaven forbid you do well, then you're stuck in the chaos 'till the bitter end!
I loved "Red Rover, Red Rover". There was something therapeutic about busting through those arms.
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I loved 4 square and tether ball! I hated dodge ball, too, but we played in a big circle with some people as the targets in the middle. I HATED it!
I loved Medic -- like Dodgeball, but you got to rescue your fallen teammates.
I LOOOOOVED kick ball. It was the only time I didn't feel like a loser! I was the 'only girl who could kick' and nearly always had homeruns :D
I really loved to jump rope - but I couldn't figure out how to "get in" to a double dutch set up. The first time I tried, I just closed my eyes and went for it - only to open my eyes when the girls turning the ropes began laughing hysterically. I guess I never actually got between the ropes... just began jumping beside them. Awesome.
Oh such cute fabric. One game I loved playing was after dark with the neighborhood kids...ghost in the graveyard...which is essentially hide somewhere until the "ghost" goes out to look for people and get back to home base before the ghost gets ya. Amazing how I'd never let my kids do that nowadays...sheesh!
I spent most of my time jumping rope and I loved it.
Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite was crab soccer with the huge colorful balls and walking around crab style with no shoes!
least favorite is soccer. In 6th grade I got hit smack in the forehead with a soccer ball and I've hated it ever since.
I remember my elementary school outlawing red rover - and just when I was getting good at it!
Oh I remember playing handball and I was never athletically inclined and being picked for teams was never fun
hopscotch...oh how I loved hopscotch.
I loved four square! It was so popular at my elementary school during recess that there was always a huge line to play, and they had to paint more squares on the playground just to keep up with demand :)
All the kids in the neighborhood would play kickball for hours! Loved those games:)
I always loved four square!
Dodge ball was the worst! I wore glasses and they always got knocked off my face.
I loved Red Rover Red Rover!!
I shared on Facebook!
I tweeted!
Hockey - yikes, cold legs in scottish winters even mroe painful when hit with a stick.....sore memories
I really liked playing "Motor boat, motor boat" in the swimming pool.
Best childhood game: Red Light, Green Light. I remember playing this in our backyard with all the neighborhood kids. Great fun for kids of different ages.
Worst childhood game: Red Rover, Red Rover. Ouch! And woe unto you if you are the break in the chain. Not fun.
I always hated dodgeball.
Love this fabric! My favorite game was "bloody murder" (aka ghosts in the graveyard) which we could play if we got enough neighborhood kids to play at night. I'm not sure this game would fly this day in age, but I had a blast screaming "bloody murder" and running around at night. My least favorite was driveway hockey. I had two older brothers and there were no other girls in the neighborhood so they always conned me into playing goalie. Not sure why i fell for it every time, but it always ended with me crying and telling on my brothers to my mom. I was pretty good at getting them in trouble...it was my only way of payback!
For some strange reason I always liked Red Rover.
I hated baseball. Waiting to get picked and then have everyone in the outfield move closer when I came up to bat...ugh! Thansk for the giveaway.
fun! would love to win that fabric - great colors and print
My least favorite game was tetherball. I couldn't hit the dang thing and was always afraid it would bonk me in the head.
I loved hopscotch!
Tether ball and four square were my favorites! Thanks for the giveaway!
My least favorite was Monopoly as my brother would overturn the board in frustration whenever I was winning, after this twice happening, we have never played this game together since!
I loved to play Red Rover as a child. I was always so good at it. No one ever dared to cross me, because no one ever made it through :)
aecopley at gmail dot com
I LOVE the Little Apples in this aqua colorway SOOOO much. Earlier today was the first time I'd seen it in anything but the red and now I'm even more excited to get this.
Oh gosh, my absolute worst childhood game was just as you said; dodge ball or anything else involving the picking of teams. I was ALWAYS the last to be picked. HATED IT! I think that's why I've supressed so many of my childhood memories; they were not the most pleasant. ugh.horrible memories from that part of my life.
But.......this fabric makes me smile so it's worth it; especially if I'm lucky enough to win. :) Thank you for the chance.
Does anyone else remember Chinese jump rope? It may have been a Cleveland thing, played with a stretchy, circular rope.
Four square!
I think Tag was m favorite to play! ;)
We used to play cops & robbers (with a twist), we had a real 'jail'. It was a window with bars on it that had a little ledge on the outside so we would make the robbers sit on there while they were in jail. So much fun!
This fabric would be sooooo cute in my new craft room which as been named CRAFTLANDIA
We used to play marbles on the blacktop at recess. I really only ever cared about the prettiness of the marbles, not so much the competition.
Great fabric! One of my favourite games was yogi, elastic around 2 people's ankles,person in the middle had to do a series of tricks, the elastic was moved higher and higher up- it seems so long ago!
I was also a fan of Red Rover...I don't advise playing it as an adult though- some of my friends and I tried that when we were 20 and people got a little competetive (resulting in a concussion!)
I was the kid you hated in dodgeball! I loved that game and I had my strategy down pat too, so I was always one of the very last standing. It helps if you can catch really well, because then you don't have to "dodge" and the person who threw the ball would be out. Man, now I want to go get a game started!
I have always hated Monopoly, mostly because my older brother always kicked my butt, and partly because I am indeed a POOR LOOSER! Even as a loser I just can't take it!
My favorite game was tether ball though also liked horse, hop scotch, jump rope, jacks, and marbles. My least favorite games are any that involve team playing with hitting and running and throwing.
I love Little Apples by Aneela H.
We played a team game called medicine war ball. Loved it. It mightbe something like dodgeball with a "dr" and "nurses"
My least favorite game was 40/40 but I use to get eaten my Mosquitos and that was really annoying.
I used to love playing British Bulldog. The whole class would be involved and it was so much fun, pushing and shoving and running! Very violent though!
My least favorite was dodge ball. We played indoors for gym in grammar school with this loud, tough male teacher. It was terrible.
I need some fabric to cheer me up now. LOL Thanks for the chance to win such sweet fabric.
Thank goodness we didn't play dodgeball in my neighborhood! On the playground my favorite was tetherball, but my all time childhood favorite was played unde the streetlight at night and we called it 'swinging statue'. Anyone else out there heard of that one?
My sisters and I had a very big Chinese jump rope phase. Perfectly suited for 3 sisters with the giant elastic around the legs of 2 sisters, and the 3rd doing the "in. out. side to side. out. on. outswizzlesout."
I really love 4 square and also....9 square! If you haven't played it, it's really intense and a lot trickier than 4 square. Not for the faint of heart. ;D
I lobe marbles. My grandparents kept the marbles my dad and his older siblings played with in an old cardboard Velveeta box from decades ago and besides being fun to play, it was also fun to be using the same stuff my dad played with when he was a kid. Oh, and marbles are pretty, too. I loved to sort them & stuff like that. I'll definitely have to buy my son some marbles when he's old enough...and hopefully get a few of the Velveeta box marbles someday!
I loved playing kitchen with my friends. I had the metal sheet kind I think my parents got from Sears. We would play with our dolls and pretend a hurricane was coming and we had to run with our baby dolls and find cover.
Favorite childhood game was bingo because the whole family would play till so late on the weekend.
I hated Dodgeball. Glad that most schools in our area have eliminated that game. At least my kids won't have to endure it. Would love to win this fabric - so lovely. Thanks for a chance.
My least favorite game was volleyball. I always ended up with bruised arms and no points.
I loved to play scrabble - yes I am a spelling fanatic.
I lived in England for a while and we played "Elastics" - it involved a lot of jumping over and squishing some elastic that was stretched between 2 friends' legs. Sounds odd, but lots of fun and very portable. :)
I HATED dodgeball. I was tall and awkward and made an easy target for all those small missile throwing kids. Kids as targets... Bah.
Games where kids are targets should not be allowed. Really, you want kids to whip balls at each other and then when they are not organized into a game, they must not throw things at each other?
Can you tell I am still a little traumatized?
I hated kickball. It made my stomach ache when they picked teams because I was always among the last. But my best friend and I could hop the scotch out of anybody.
I am not athletic at all and gym was my worst fear. But I'm with you HATED dodge ball. What a terrible game! Let's just pick on the weakest kids and pelt them with balls. Who thought of that?
Tag, but we called it butter tag, or marshmallow tag...and if you were hit by the person who was "it" you had to start melting. Kids are so funny, I can still remember melting and wiggling down to the ground.
My least favorite game was basketball, I ALWAYS got hit in the face with the ball. And I also really don't like to run.
I think this is a wonderful set! I played a lot of hopscotch growing up.
I always loved Red-Rover!
I loved playing to be "mom" with my dolls and my cousins. We were all girls in the family!
beautiful fabric!
We used to play monopoly a lot growing up. My dad always cheated! It was fun catching him out though :)
UGH, MONOPOLY!!!! I had to play it with my brother and that silly game always lasted hours and hours and hours... precious hours I really wanted to be reading instead. It was the bane of my childhood!
Ugh ... Red Rover ... I did not enjoy the bruises from that game ... Double dutch was much more my style! And Miss Mary Mack! Ahhhh, such fond memories! The fabric is adorable by the way! I'm planning on making a Shabby Chic style quilt for my daughter who is graduating to a "big girl bed", and this would be perfect! :)
kgchastain at gmail dot com
Kick the can was a big family favorite. I have very nostalgic memories of my entire family of 9 children out in the yard, hiding and trying to sneak past mom to kick the can and free all the less successful from "jail". After several of us had left for college, we tried playing again once during summer break, and it just wasn't the same.
I loved hide-and-go-seek. I grew up with four kids in my family and often two babysitters would come to watch us. It was sooooo much fun to play with 6 people!
I remember one time I helped my little sister hide in the linen cabinet and it took the babysitter 20 minutes to finally find her behind all of the clean towels and sheets.
I loved Red Rover! I remember the amazing feeling of bursting through the arms of my classmates. Though, I also remember the terror of watching a classmate running straight at me with all of his/her 10 year old energy.
I love this collection. As it happens I'm planning on using this Aqua blue or Tiffany blue to theme my daughter's first birthday party. My favorite childhood game was hide and seek, I was so good at finding people!!! I hope my win this yard of fabric, it's perfect. Yay.
My favorite game was hide n seek. Most family gatherings would always result in a game of hide n seek that had the paradoxical delight of being hidden in some secret place juxtaposed with the joy of being sought after and discovered. now I love watchung my children play it, especially when my oldest, who is seeking, tells his brothers where to hide!
ooh - I forgot about 4 square. I loved playing that!
We played red rover in PE on the last day of fourth grade and this huge kid plowed into me and knocked me to the ground--hated that game ever after!
I hated elastics... was always worried I'd trip up, But I LOVED jumping rope with at least 7 or 8 of us, jumping together and then it would be "curry" at the end for the last girl left jumping. Only seems like yesterday!
I once lost a tooth in the middle of a rousing game of "Red Rover," so it's probably my least favorite, LOL!
In all fairness to the other kids, that tooth was loose anyway, but I definitely wasn't expecting to lose it that day!! :)
dodge ball was probably my favourite lol and least favourtie anything involving hight so basketball probably the worst.
I agree on the dodge ball! I think it has been referred to as "human target ball." Not fun, unless you're the strongest, most talented athlete in the group. Four square was fun. Really, I liked fantasy play better. Sweet collection of fabrics!
i hated kickball--yes, the picking of teams (i was usually among the last), the waiting in long lines for a chance to kick, and then totally missing the ball when it was my turn. jumping rope was another story...fun!
Dodgeball was the worst....and I was small and always picked last :(
I was so afraid of Tetherball! I even asked my parents if we could buy a set so I could practice and not be so scared of the ball flying at me!
I lovedfour square!
I hated Dodge Ball or any other game that involved someone chasing me. I always ended up being terrified for some reason or other. On the other hand, I loved Red Rover. I guess that would be food for thought for a psychiatrist, hmmmm.
I love the fabric and would love to have it. Childhood seems so far away. It's nice to bring back memories.
I loved red rover! it seems its a favourite for many others!
shared on fb, thanks for the lovely giveaway!
I loved card games, especially "BS".
I'd forgotten about Chinese jump rope, but we went through a phase of that. I'm really enjoying reading these comments :).
I hated dodge ball! I loved those hand clapping games with girls.
Four-square and red rover were the best!
In fifth grade I was the only girl that played football out on the playground. That being said, I wasn't necessarily any good at it and I still don't know the rules. But I had fun!
I love jumprope and hated red rover red rover!~
Hide and Seek all the way! But inevitably, when ever it was time for me to hide, I had to use the restroom! Haha!
This question is unearthing all kinds of trauma for me! I hated so many of those games. I wore glasses which must have had a powerful ball-magnet hidden inside of them. Every flying object on the playground seemed to find my head. I always preferred to play on the large monkey bars and pretend it was a restaurant or some such thing.
I used like playing with marbles - not any games, I just like looking at the wonderful colors
I used to LOVE playing Chinese jump rope and the games where you use your hands and sing songs. I hated playing Dodge Ball and Red Rover...I always tended to be picked last!
my vote is four square... and i'm loving that my 6yo is now playing it with her friends :)
oh that's easy. My LEAST favorite game EVER is dodge ball. Hands down the worst game ever invented for non-athletic people like me. Ugh. But this fabric would make me feel oh so much better about those less than sweet memories :)
I lovedd playing kick the can with my brothers and the neighborhood kids.
I always loved freeze tag. Which meant you had to hold whatever position you were tagged in. So much fun! Thanks for the darling giveaway.
I LOVED playing Red Rover! That was my all time favorite game! This fabric is super adorable!
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I liked freeze tag. I never did throw well and having your target standing still helps :)
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It wasn't on the playground but I always loved when we played soccer tennis in the middle of soccer practice. I dont know what's stopping me from playing it now!
how cute is this just in time for the fall season!! I was never too good at ringaround the rosie because i didnt wanna sit on the ground lol
I used some of this fabric and it is so delicious! wonderful colors!
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