GIVEAWAY: This is Your Book!
You've seen baby books before. Maybe you've even made a scrapbook for your kid. But you've never seen a book like this. It's modern, beautiful, and full of unique prompts about pop culture and what a latte cost when your kid was born - it's a baby book even a dad would love to fill out. Our friend and her husband created this book for their kid, and now it's available for your kids too. This Is Your Book: A fill-in journal for all the things that happened when you were a baby was designed by this dad and graphic artist when he couldn't find a fill-in journal that captured all of the things he wanted to share with his newborn daughter about her start in this life.
The best part about This Is Your Book is the personal questions like, "your hair was this color" and the pop-culture prompts like "a thirty-second commercial during the Super Bowl cost..." You can check out the author, Ryan Maconochie's site, for even more glimpses inside.
Today we are giving one lucky Prudent Mama a copy of This Is Your Book. Read on to see how to enter for a chance to win a copy...
To enter for a chance to win a copy of This Is Your Bookleave a comment telling us what the headlines were the day your baby was born. Out of curiosity I looked mine up and it read, Monkeys as Helpers to Quadriplegics at Home. Who knows what you will find?
For extra entries, share the giveaway of facebook or twitter, follow author Ryan Maconochie Facebook and/or Twitter and leave an additional comment each time letting us know. Come back every day for new entries. You can enter from now until October 17th.
Yup, that's the author himself and his little girl. Cuteness overload!
Labels: Book Reviews, Giveaways
Headlines - Congressman Mark Foley Checks into Rehab on 10.3.2006
Mine is significantly less cheerful: "Chaos After Indira Ghandi's Death!"
On a more positive note, I'm becoming a foster parent, and we're encouraged to create a "life book" for any kid in our care, to give them a record of their time with us. This would be so much more awesome than anything I'd come up with.
My husband is the editor of the local paper, so when our little one comes, that will be the top story of the day (it's a small town).
Dec. 24, 2008: "Lord's Resistance Army, a Ugandan rebel group, begins a series of attacks on Democratic Republic of the Congo, massacring more than 400." Ouch.
This book looks amazing! I was pretty busy on October 27, 2010, but apparently I didn't miss any uplifting human interest stories that day. "Iran loads fuel into the Bushehr nuclear reactor." "Indonesia tsunami deaths increase after Sumatra quake." Welcome to the world, little lady!
Awesome. I have no idea off the top of my head but google told me "World Health Organization Raises Swine Flu Alert Level."
Donovan McNabb joins Vikings as hot QB
Lame. :)
I don't want to pick one of the sad ones, so: "Never say never: Bieber wins MVP at celeb game" Hehehe.
Ok, I didn't want to pick a depressing one either, so "Best Bargain Hunting In Connecticut." Not exactly earth shattering.
"Hurricane Ike Forces Evacuations on Texas Golf Coast" . . . Thanks!
Following @StarRMbaby on twitter.
I have also "liked" the page on facebook.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Obama issues pay freeze for civilian federal employees
yikes. remember it well because I am a civilian federal employee!
thanks for the giveaway! look like a fun book!
"U.N. council statement condemns use of force by Syria" . . .
Hmm... My favorite was "She's Lovely, But Alas, She's Only Software. Weird.
Looking up my birthday headlines was depressing: Britain's worst ever sporting accident occured, over 93 fans were killed, crushed to death.
Well, in better news - I would LOVE to win this for my baby on the way. I just showed it to my husband and he agreed with the "even a dad would love to fill this out" statement! =)
mrsakallen (at) gmail (dot) com
"Strauss-Kahn resigned as managing director of the IMF."
I liked the facebook page!
mrsakallen (at) gmail (dot) com
Our baby is due on January 4th of 2012 - don't know what the headlines will be then!
I "liked" on facebook.
and followed on twitter. @leannethewalker
We've got the always-exciting EPA headline: "EPA suspends approval of mountaintop mining permits." Now, that's a GREAT day to be born! :)
Our baby is due January 4th of next year, same as another commenter, Leanne. Congrats Leanne!:) Hopefully there will be happy news in the headlines on the day of our little boy's arrival!
Pretty sad, but "Paris Hilton avoids going to jail"...
President Reagan announces decision to produce neutron bombs. Yup, that's quite exciting! Who knows what the headlines will be in a month, when our baby is due.
So cute! No headlines for me though since my first child isn't due till January. Only a few more months to go!
China reacts to currency debate was the first one I found
Our baby is due May 16th, 2012. there are primary elections in Nebraska and Oregon on May 15, 2012 so if baby is born on the due date the headlines might be about the primaries.
Here's a gross one. LOL.
"Creepy crawlies can really get under your skin; Doctors are finding it harder to treat lice, ringworm and other itchy pests "
January 6, 2009:
"Bush Refuses to Call for Ceasefire"
July 16, 2010:
"Argentina Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage"
Feb 9, 2011… Dozens plan 'nurse-in' at DC museum to highlight right to breast-feed in public.
Liked on Facebook too :)
I follow on facebook!
Levi's headlines: "House Iraq Pullout Bill Leaves Thousands of Troops Behind"
July 13th, 2007
I am expecting our first girl any day now!! Crazy! So the headlines could be who knows what. I'm excited though!
We're still expecting - Feb. 28th!! But those headlines had better not read LEAP DAY - grr!!!
Would Be Cell Phone Thief Foiled By Security Cord
As the U.S. economy teeters, Democratic leaders are revisiting the use of gas stamps, an idea born during the Great Depression
PS I almost doubled a headline: then I noticed that number tens headline was the same...we must havekiddos with near same bdays! Ha:)
Kc school district to close 12 schools
Dkburroughs21 at gmail dot com
One of the headlines the day my daughter was born was "House to Vote on Healthcare Bill" Ooooo, the excitement. ;)
Tweeted the giveaway.
Put the giveaway on facebook.
Liked This Your Book on facebook.
Started following @StarRMBaby on twitter.
From the local paper (Cincinnati Enquirer)
I still have the paper from the hospital, and I wrote one headline down in her book. I guess I was looking forward to finally having a beer!
My oldest son had a very bizarre entrance to the world, there was actually a hostage situation at the hospital the day he was born!
Standoff at suburban Chicago hospital ends, gunman fatally shot
It was a little sureal when the fire doors all slammed shut and they started locking things down. They wouldn't let my in-laws in either...not that I minded...
My baby was born Oct 28th, 2010 (she's almost a year old already AH!!) I found a few interesting headlines from the NY Times: Meningitis and Whooping Cough Booster Vaccines Are Recommended, Chinese Supercomputer Tianhe-1A Bumps U.S. Out of the Lead, and of course, End the War on Pot
Just shared on facebook!
And liked Ryan Maconochie on facebook!
I honestly have no idea. I don't think I looked at anything related to news for a good 3 months. I was in the eat/sleep/nurse groove and was oblivious to the outside world. But the headline at least SHOULD have been "world's cutest baby born."
Crooks peddling smokes as low as $5 a pack (5.29.2011)
most of my lil one's was very sad (the war in Iraq) so this was the least depressing one * In the largest bank failure in U.S. history, federal regulators seized Washington Mutual Thursday and struck a deal to sell the bulk of its operations to J.P. Morgan Chase for 1.9 billion dollars.
"Consumers Wake Up to Increases in Cereal Prices"
This wasn't the only thing happening this day, I'm quite sure, but it's sure the most fun to think about explaining to my six-month old when he's older: "Eva Longoria Has Wardrobe Malfunction on David Letterman’s Show"
I don't know, my baby is due in March! Can I still enter? What a great book!
"Don’t ask, don’t tell’ repeal efforts stalled by GOP plan" -My boys will hopefully never have to know what Don't Ask, Don't Tell was!
"Earth hour 2010 is Saturday, March 27, 2010"
Apparently people around the world were conserving energy the day our baby girl was born! I love this! (Although I'm glad our hospital did not observe Earth Hour!)
Well I am pregnant with my first so I am hoping for a good headline! Mine was "Pres Carter announces immediate halt to all imports of Iranian oil" (1979)
No babies at our house, but my own headline was delightful: Sidney Poitier became the first African American to win an Academy Award as best actor. And my mom loved Sidney Poitier, so that's quite nice.
wordygirl at earthlink dot net
SARS for my eldest; Seniors recording their memories for my son; Pacific Islanders make Olympic history for my youngest!
Headline - "What's to be done with 15 feet of snow in June? Utah knows."
On Feb. 8, 2010, the headline in New Orleans read, 'Amen! After 43 years our prayers are answered.'" This was because the Saints won the Super Bowl the night before.
The headlines on the day my daughter was born were all much the same (in the US anyway) "Obama Sworn in as 44th President." She was born January 21, 2009! My son was born July 25, 2004, and all of his headlines seem to have been about the 9/11 commission reports or the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. No wonder I didn't watch the news while I was pregnant with him!
New York Transit Strike Enters Second Day... not very exciting stuff for Dec in 2005! One on the way though so we'll see what happens!
govt releases report that 25% of us children went hungry last year.
not a sweet headline for my baby's day!
Is mobile banking safe? was the headline 5/1/09
My son's read "Terror Attacks Spike in Afghanistan, Pakistan" hmm.... not the most uplifting news day I guess. 4/28/10. I LOVE THIS BOOK and can't wait to buy it for the next baby shower I'm going to!
"Thousands Protest Iraq War" from October 28, 2006
Emma Rose's was: "Are military pensions too 'generous'?"
This book looks like so much fun!
Mine daughter's was "hot summer hasn't ended yet"...
Perfect baby books are hard to come by, nigh impossible! Thank you
I haven't had a kid so no headlines, I hope when I have one it will be something funny.
jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
I follow author Ryan Maconochie on Facebook
jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
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jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com!/jrwarfield/status/124302782365831168
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jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
Income Tax Deadline...and we still had to mail ours! - April 15th
September 14, 1981: "Top Scientology Officials Removed From Church"
My first baby is due in January...perfect timing for this book!
My oldest son was born the day after a HUGE snow storm. Every headline was the "last blizzard of 2000"
This book sounds so cool! I can't find the exactly headline, but I'm pretty sure is was about the Egyptian Revolt. (1/25/11)
Retweeting now!
Youth Orchestra Plays at Disney's Magic Kingdom.
Hope to be the lucky winner! I absolutely love this idea!
I'm also following on FB! Thanks again!
Sounds like the perfect thing to keep better track of the new baby-barely wrote anything down with my first!
BP Oil Slick Reaches La. Shores may 7, 2010
Our first baby will be born this February right around Valentine's Day, I hope the headlines aren't for a huge snowstorm for our drive to the hospital!
My baby hasn't come yet... so I used MY birthday... "Rainfall Snarls Traffic and Drenches Crowds" - 6.30.84! That would NOT make headlines in the NY Times these days!
Coming back for another chance!
My baby is not born yet . . . but he is supposed to be here in a week or so, so I will tell you then!!
12 days until presidentialelection. 10\29\2008
I tweeted again!!/wordygirl11/status/125444798722224128
wordygirl at earthlink dot net
I couldn't figure out how to look up what the headline was for that day, but it might have been "Blizzard coming" because the next day we got 19" of snow!
March 9, 2011: "Is Opposition Pile On a Sign for Spring Vote?"
I liked on facebook.
The L.A. Times listed: Therapists Admit Sex Lure : 87% of Psychologists in Poll Drawn to Clients.
I liked on FB! Another headline was: Nurses Face Edict: Off With the Caps
Poor British nurses.
(oh yea, my babe's not here until February, so this is news 6/24/86)
There's an app for that, too? The Catholic tradition of saying the rosary goes high tech, with online prayer groups and software applications tailored for the iPhone, reports the Wall Street Journal.
4.2.10 Good Friday...
Now following on Facebook! Thank you!!!
4.26.06 President Bush Announces Gas Measures
Well my little guy isn't here yet, but out of curiosity I looked up my date (1/19/1981): "United States and Iranian officials sign an agreement to release 52 American hostages after 14 months of captivity." Huh, I never knew that happened on my birth date
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