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Prudent Baby

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Link Love

I want a necklace justlikethat.

Easy and adorable wreath DIY at Fiskars. So simple. I love rainbows, don't you? So happy.

Artist Juliana Santacruz Herrera has been filling the potholes of Paris with brightly colored.. something... fabric? wool? Not sure, but it's amazing isn't it? Check out a bunch more pics here.

You know how like once a week on our Prudent Baby facebook group I post a picture of some insane-delicious morsel I am all droolfully wanting to eat? Yesterday it was -no lie- a Pretzel Croissant with Gruyere and Bacon. I mean, how could you not? 99% of the time i am posting from this place by my house. If you live in LA you already know about it, but if not, and you ever come for a visit, go there. I'll totally meet you and steal tidbits right off your plate.

And more...

We are obsessed with Grosgrain Fabulous and her current series of posts knowns as free pattern month. We were so honored to be featured last week, then Blogger melted down and we never got all of our posts back and never told you about it. So i'm telling you about it now, and the good news it it's not too late for the rest of free pattern month!

Oh, I guess I haven't mentioned this yet, but I'm going all tv-like on y'all. You can catch me contributing to the new online talk show HerSay, starring Soleil Moon Frye (who also kindly hosted my book launch party at her amazing store last year) and airing on MSN and I'll be sharing some video DIYs and my hot picks for style, kids, and moms. Which means I have to like, wash my hair and worry about sitting up straight. If you wanna check out my first appearance head on over to HerSay, I show up towards the end of this episode. Oh geez.

Netflix tip: This movie is amazing, directed by the husband of an old friend. I'm not just plugging it for that reason though - this film got a 100% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, how often does that happen? Marwencol. Watch it.

Also have to give our PB two thumbs up to Bridesmaids, which Jacinda and I went to see on Saturday night in Utah. It was a super romantic date. I'm not even kidding, it was probably the most romantic date I've been on in... let's see... three years? she even bought me popcorn and my very own gallon of soda. that's true love.

Lots of cute machine embroidery patterns starting at just $1.99 at embroodles, including these adorable applique popsicles.

Hand stitched place cards - great & unique idea for the Use Your Words Embroidery Contest to win a fancy new embroidery machine!

Adorbs crochet pattern for the cutest baby sandals ever.

Three fun projects with washi tape. Dear washi tape, why are you so addictive? You are only tape, and yet I love you so.

What a wonderful and creative project for a gift.

Probably not the most efficient use of time, but I would love to replace all of my thread spools with these DIY ones made of branches from the yard.

I am reading this book (but on my beloved kindle). Have any of you read it? I know I am like 12 years late to the game, but I had to share because I can't put it down!

This week, Scarlet can't put this book down. But it's so cute I don't mind reading it twelve times a day.

That's all I got. What are you guys clicking on this week?



Blogger jenn said...

love this! thank you!! i bookmarked several of those links :)

May 20, 2011 at 8:43 AM  
Blogger TonyaUtkina said...

Love that bright red necklace by Skrynka!!! Super cool!

May 20, 2011 at 12:13 PM  
Blogger Shavone said...

I'm drooling over that necklace, and I'm about to go watch your segment!!!

May 20, 2011 at 1:35 PM  
Blogger Shavone said...

Yay, Jaime! You're a natural :) That's really cool. I might stop by Joan's when I visit LA this winter.

May 20, 2011 at 1:43 PM  
Blogger anne said...

Thanks so much for linking to my project! I appreciate it. Your blog is beautiful. Definitely going to take some time to peruse!

May 21, 2011 at 10:24 AM  
Blogger Pish Posh, @imakeagoodhat said...

I think that that is one of my favorite books. It was a really great read. When I was done, I closed the book and sat, just sat quietly for a rather long time absorbing it. He writes it beautifully, and it's awesome that you're enjoying it.

I don't know if you've seen the movie or not, but if you do decide to watch it, consider it a different animal.

Happy Reading!

May 22, 2011 at 2:45 AM  

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