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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

DIY Birthday In A Suitcase

Check out this super creative birthday idea I spotted at beautiful blog Funkytime. What kid (or adult for that matter) wouldn't love a birthday-in-a-suitcase? I asked creator Sybille to share her tutorial with us and she kindly agreed. Take it away Sybille!

Thank you so much girls for having me today! 4 weeks ago I bought an old suitcase at the flea market. First I didn't know what to do with it, but hey, it's vintage, it's a suitcase and it was $15! I knew there was another way of using this beauty besides painting it white and stacking it next to my bed as a bedside table! Since my hubby's birthday was coming up too, I decided to transform it into a 'birthday in a suitcase'. It really is a birthday-picnic in a suitcase. But before it looked like this, it had to come a long way!

Get the full tutorial on how to make your own birthday in a suitcase after the jump...

Birthday in a Suitcase

You will need:
- White multipurpose latex paint - Mod Podge - Graham fabric - Some rubber band - Ribbon - Velcro tape - White felt - Bakers twine - Paper straws - Plates, Cutlery, 2 mini glass jars, 2 champagne glasses, tea towels, baking mix, balloons, popcorn cup & hot dog plates {Dollar Store}

I used mod podge and a staple gun to attach fabric on the inside. I attached the ribbon loops for the cutlery, plates, glasses, etc. with a staple gun. In the upper part of the suitcase I stapled square Velcro pieces to hold the plates and popcorn box and sewed the opposite Velcro square on the ribbon.

I sewed a little bag for the cake mix and glued the letters with hot glue to the bag. The two little jars on the left side are filled with balloons and confetti. The side pocket for the hot dog plates is a square piece of fabric, in which I have sewn a rubber band.

Don’t forget to make a little garland to hang up. This one is made out of bakers twine and felt.

Note from Jaime: The little flags are an awesome touch:

The whole project took one evening, about 4 hours and total cost was below $50! Now the only thing left to do is find a beautiful place in nature, preferably a romantic spot away from the beaten path, where the sun is shining and the birds are singing!

Cheers, Sibylle

I mean, how creative is this? Don't forget to visit Sybille's blog Funkytime for more inspiration and ideas!

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Blogger Shavone said...

Super cute! I'm imagining several color variations & containers (hat box?) for this one :)

May 18, 2011 at 6:29 AM  
Blogger Jacinda said...

What a great idea! And what a makeover!

May 18, 2011 at 7:04 AM  
Blogger Sibylle said...

thanks guys!

May 18, 2011 at 10:55 AM  
Blogger Erica Johnson said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I cannot wait to make something like this!

June 20, 2011 at 6:57 AM  

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