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Prudent Baby

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Link Love

Why O why does National Embroidery Month have to be the shortest month of the year? We are just getting started! And so you are prepared, we will be continuing N.E.M. into March with some big big plans. Any guesses? But in the meantime here are some of BRILLIANT sites to check out for embroidery fantastic-ism.

I just found Feeling Stitchy. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I haven't lived. It's the motherload of embroidery knowledge. I especially love their Stitchalongs. They provide one free pattern and all kinds of talented ladies make cool stuff using it and share. Gorgeous and inspiring!

Andrea Zuill of Bad Birds shares a free monthly embroidery pattern. I found this squirrely gem via Craft.

I've seen this simple and lovely lampshade before and still think it's beautiful and the technique can be used for so many projects. And doe-c-doe is a super fun site for embroidery and more! Adorable FREE vintage embroidery patterns every week!

And these Embroidered Mitered Napkins from the Design Sponge Sewing 101 series are so pretty! I want some. And the Mitered Corner tutorial is EXC!


Check this VIDEO from Thread Banger on Freehand Sewing Machine Embroidery.

This free embroidery pattern offers supreme cuteness.

Oh and here is a vintage How To Embroider VIDEO with a the queen of modern embroidery, Jenni Hart of Sublime Stitching. Awesome!

And this is just hand embroidery! More on machine embroidery later. If you are into machine embroidery we want to chat with you. Send us a message, y'all! But in the meantime, if you are in the market for a new machine, Brother is running a MAD National Embroidery Month Sale on a bunch of sewing/embroidery machines and sergers thru Monday. Sweet!

And remember this is the last chance for you to leave a comment before we pick a winner of the adorable whale fabric.



Blogger April said...

Oh my goodness that squirel pattern is sooooo cute! I'm working my way through Penguin and Fish's ( animal ABC set to eventually make into a quilt for my soon-to-be little one. There are just too many projects out there and not enough time.

February 25, 2011 at 6:26 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Thanks for these, I really want to learn so I can craft from the couch more. Craft potato.

February 25, 2011 at 9:12 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm truly inspired by the embroidery projects... sadly I had, in my mind, relegated embroidery to grandma's sewing circle, but now I see how modern and lush it can be!
Also, I am captivated by the adorable names of new sewing blogs/sites. Just the second I start to think I might be creative.... I realize how far I have to go! :)

February 25, 2011 at 11:13 AM  
Blogger HardySupplyCo said...

I guess I'm going to finally give embroidery a shot...those patterns are too fun!

February 25, 2011 at 12:11 PM  
Blogger Steph at said...

I had no idea it was embroidery month :). Here's a post I did on stylin' embroidery pieces and projects for kids and kid spaces:

February 25, 2011 at 1:31 PM  
Blogger Sharon (mama to Adam) said...

You ladies keep inspiring me to try new crafty things. Thanks for keeping it interesting, bright, and fun!

February 25, 2011 at 2:28 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

I have to say, I love Link Love time. I have just recently been enamored with embroidery as well, so thanks for all of the great links! I still need to learn how to embroider, but it is up there on my list!!

February 25, 2011 at 2:32 PM  
Blogger said...

j aime trop ce que tu fais c est genial ton blog j adore bises jojo

February 25, 2011 at 3:20 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

Oh no...another skill to learn and love! ;)

February 27, 2011 at 6:55 AM  

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