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Prudent Baby

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Quinn's Farm-tastic First Birthday: Thank you cards

What's the rule with thank you cards for a kid birthday party? If they open the gifts at the party, you don't have to send them? If they open them later, you do? But either way, it's a nice thing to do?  Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

And also, when is it OK to send them a month after the party? Never? oops.

Well, they are late but aren't they cute? Here's how I did it...

What you need:

• Blank cards printed with a photo from the party. My cards are from Paper-Source. I used all pictures of Quinn because it was her first birthday but a picture of the guest's own children would be even more appreciated. To create the ric-rac look, I repeated a white diamond shape around the edge of the photo in Illustrator. I imagine you could do something similar in other basic programs. As an alternative, you can print out the photo on a second piece of paper, trim the edge with pinking shears and glue (or sew) to card.

• With pinking shears, cut a 1" felt circle, and a 1"x6" strip of fabric for each card, plus a 6" length of embroidery thread for each card.

(I love this tip my mom showed me. Just fold the fabric in half over and over until it's narrower than your scissor blade then cut a long strip all at once. Just make sure your shears are nice n sharp.)

What to do:

1. Using the longest stitch on your sewing machine do a baste stitch along one long edge of your fabric strip.

2. pull on the end of one of your back threads to gather the fabric into a yo-yo-like circle. Tie the ends of the thread together to hold in place.

3. Fold the fabric circle in half with right-sides facing and stitch the open end closed.

4. Lay circle flat, layer felt circle on top and then a small bow tied from the embroidery thread.

5. Position on top of card and sew in place through all layers. If you are feeling fancy, you can use bobbin thread that matches the color of your paper so it isn't an eye sore when the card is open.

6. Repeat with remaining cards.

And you're done!

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Blogger Hespyhesp said...

My son's 1st was in April and he (well,I) opened the gifts at the party. I did send thank you cards and pretty much do anytime a gift is received, except for Christmas, usually. But guess what- I sent them out a month late, too! It still counts though! Mine were also handmade, but not nearly as cute. Yours are so great no one will think twice about how long it took to receive them!

May 20, 2010 at 12:31 PM  
Blogger asia said...

adorable! better late (and cute) then never :)

May 20, 2010 at 1:01 PM  
Blogger Jaime said...

umm, hi i still havent sent scarlet's thank you's. they are sitting on the kitchen table written and unsent. it's been almost two months. oh, and i wrote a book in which the first piece of advice is "always send a thank you note". oops.

May 20, 2010 at 1:09 PM  
Blogger Jessica@SewHomegrown said...

I am a TERRIBLE thank-you note writer...i write them, address them, and then forget to send them. I even have some with stamps on them sitting in my diaper bag from 4 months ago. yeah, it's a real problem. I really am thankful- just can't seem to express it in a card ;)

May 20, 2010 at 5:29 PM  
Blogger Charlene said...

I think it's always nice to send a thank you card. Usually for the little ones, I trace their hand on the card, along with some thanks from me.

I'm curious how you're able to mail a three dimensional card, and what it looks like when it arrives???!!!

May 21, 2010 at 10:50 AM  

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