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Prudent Baby

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Recycled Winter Dress into Summer Skirt

This turtleneck dress was the cutest on S last winter, but a little too small and way too warm for this summer. I've sort of reached the point of ridiculousness with my inability to part with her old clothes - how many boxes of "memory clothes" do I need? So I recycled it into a jersey skirt for summer and a matching hairclip. It took about 15 minutes.

Get the full Recycled Summer Skirt tutorial after the jump...

Recycled Winter Dress into Summer Skirt

1. Chop the dress under the arms:

2. Turn it inside out.  Iron a piece of double-sided fusible tape all the way around 1/2" or so below the top edge (this will stabilize the jersey so it's easier to sew - if your dress is cotton you can skip the tape):

Remove the other side of the fusible tape backing and fold the edge of the fabric over it, but don't iron it yet (it'll stick to it anyway):

Fold the whole thing under one inch and iron in place:

3.  Sew it in place at the edge, leaving a hole at one side seam, back stitching at the beginning and end:

4.  Through the hole you left, feed a piece of 1" no-roll elastic cut to your child's waist measurement plus 1/2" all the way around:

Sew it together with a zig zag stitch a few times:

Adjust the elastic so your skirt is all in place, then sew the hole closed:

You're done with your skirt.  You can use the extra fabric for a t-shirt applique or a hair clip.  I cut off one sleeve:

Folded it up and ran it through the sewing machine a few times:

And glued a hairclip to the back with a piece of felt:



I think she likes it?

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Blogger Melissa @ Honeybee Vintage said...

I love it! My daughter just turned two as well and I have those boxes of clothes packed away:) I keep thinking I will make a blanket out of them someday or something....but this is an awesome idea!

April 20, 2010 at 6:32 AM  
Blogger Sew Can Do said...

I also love the print and would refashion it so it wouldn't get packed away. This skirt is seriously cute too.

April 20, 2010 at 6:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute! I love it!

April 20, 2010 at 11:25 AM  
Blogger SarahJarnagin said...

This is so darling!!! What a great idea!

April 20, 2010 at 6:36 PM  
Blogger Jacinda said...

I love this so much!I'm going to go through the bin!

April 20, 2010 at 6:38 PM  
Blogger ringmaster said...

i have this same exact dress and i haven't got rid of it because i love the print. this is my next project for my skirt a day that i am planning next week!!!!

April 20, 2010 at 9:02 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

we have this dress too!!! its one of my absolute favs, and now i know how to make it last even longer! ours is a size 12 months though, so it may be a little tricky... thanks again for adding to my to do list! ha ha

April 20, 2010 at 10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have that dress in 12 month size. She's only 7 weeks right now, so it'll be awhile before she can wear the dress, but this is a great idea for when she grows out of it. Thanks.

February 22, 2011 at 7:40 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

This is darling!! I'm the same way - I can't seem to part with my daughter's baby dresses. This is a great option to get more use out of them! Thanks for sharing :)

March 13, 2011 at 12:20 PM  

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