Cynthia from Fabricworm is always sending us the cutest fabrics for Fabric Friday and I think Sparky & Marie's Piccadilly Cream is right up there at the top. I love this 70's posies print it screams, peace, love and groovy times.
To enter for a chance to win one yard of Sparky & Marie, Piccadilly, Posies Cream tell us a favorite contribution the 1970s made to society. After thinking it over long and hard I'd have to say the first Earth Day, as well as Pink Floyd's album Dark Side of the Moon. I'll help you out with other suggestions like Rubik's Cube, theory of the Black Hole, first email is sent, and a little unknown movie called Star Wars. Leave your comment anytime between now and Friday, January 13th. Tweet, Stumble, or share on Facebook and leave another comment letting us know. Come back every day for new entries. We'll randomly select a winner and announce right here next Friday.
Find out who won last week's Fabric Friday after the jump...
The winner of one yard of Laurie Wisbrun's Modern Whimsy, Organic Cotton, Sheep Park is...
S said...
My 5 mo old loves itsy bitsy spider. And I love the big smile on his face when I sing it! -Sharon M
Congrats! Please use the contact form to send us your address and Fabricworm will send off your prize!
Labels: Giveaways
My first thought: Me, of course. ;)
But seriously, because I was born in the late seventies, I looked it up, and apparently the microprocessor and the cellular phone battery were both invented in '71.
I had would have ton say bellbottoms-I know they're not in right now but I've always loved them!
I love the music. :)
I wasn't around then! :( ummm walk like an egyptian? Or was that 80s? haha
As I approach my 34 birthday next week, I might say that I was a pretty good contribution. Ha! Other good things that year were the first test tube baby, Louise Brown, the first balloon angioplasty, and genetic engineers synthesized insulin!
Mood rings!!!
My husband can remember the exact moment he watched the first StarWars and all the questions he asked his dad after the film. And now it is 2012 and things have not changed drastically. The 70s got me slowly to 15. That is all I can remember...
Aside from my husband and myself? ;) There was some pretty groovy music being created... Sadly, I'm not enough of a '70s aficionado to name a really cool invention off the top of my head.
First MRI images and first complete sequencing of a DNA genome.
My man was born in '79. In my world, he's the best 70's contribution to society!
I have to admit that I'm a Star Wars fan, so that's high on my list. Along with all the other seventies babies, I'm pretty thankful that I came along then too!
Good and bad was the lowering of the voting age to 18. If you can die for your country at that age, then you should be able to vote, but most 18 year olds don't vote or at least not informed votes.
Moon boots.
The 70´s design!
I would say my husband is pretty high on the list and star wars...
The New York City Marathon began in 1970. Run to look good :)
Sticky Fingers. (the Stones album, not the barbecue restaurant!)
The first word processor was made in 1972, I guess that is a pretty important thing to society!
Jesus Christ Superstar. Darn those were some great grooves... "What's the buzz...tell me what's a happenin'..."
Also, VCR's. Which you could rent (!) at the video rental store along with movies. Perhaps even to watch Jesus Christ Superstar.
Gotta be the sit and spin! Get on spin, get off and fall down. What could be more fun.
Best thing to come out of the 70's? Hong Kong Phooey.
Rocky Horror Picture Show!
Me! Just KIDDING. Obviously the best thing about the 70's was "Let's Get it On" by Marvin Gaye.
Is it cheesy if I say my hubby? ;)
Uh, my hubby, of course! And my parents' wedding, as that's what precipitated my existence. As far a society goes, I'd have to say email was a pretty darn good contribution, even if it was in its earliest stages.
Disco music!
The Walkman!
The best was arcade games, pong, asteroids, etc. I love my video games!
Hmm...I'm going to say video games too!
Me! (and I thought I was original...hmpph).
laura at littlekahootz dot com
well, me...seriously, how about the Donny and Marie Show.
Disco! Ha! And my hubby - he was born in 79.
Well, I wasn't alive in the 70's so I looked on wikipedia and found that orange was popular in the 70's and they have a picture of an orange sewing machine! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Husqvarna_3600_C248.jpg)!!!
Hmmm...Saturday Night Fever.
Pac Man. I'm not a video game person, but this has still got to be my favorite.
The walkman in '79, aka the great grandfather of the IPOD! Or post it notes in '74. I love me some post it notes!
Oh I think about 'the wiz', Michael Jackson and Diana Ross are fabulous!
And I love the fabric!
Gogo boots and hiphuggers with stripes. I lost my Mother in the 70's and I was 13 so not so good for me.
Pong was introduced in 1972.
I stumbled this giveaway on StumbleUpon under the username lilyk.
SEASAME STREET! It's a show I loved watching growing up and will still watch it even today.Hey,it sure beats watching bratty old Caillou!
'Free to be You and Me'....I used to listen to that record on repeat...haha. And I was born in the 80s....
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I was born in the 70's and so was my hubby. Hanna barbera cartoons on a Saturday morning- scooby-do, the great spacecrace, josie and the pussycats. Then there were the Archie comics, daisy chains and floral, fun garish dresses that we can only hope to find in some second hand thrift store.
"These aren't the droids you are looking for" Scientist in me shudders but I have to go with Star Wars more than anything else...
Music wise...not PF but Fleetwood Mac...they are still producing music today...anyway, I was born in the 70's so I'd have to say ME...lol
The Muppet Show!
There is sooo much great stuff that happened in the 70s... GREAT music (I love disco, funk, and rock... odd combo but whatev). My amazing bf entered the world, The Muppets, Star Wars, the beginnings of environmental awareness, and the ever controversial Roe v. Wade decision.. Quite the eventful decade!
I was a great addition in the 70's
I facebooked!
A pocket sized calculator! Seriously, for the math-challenged this was a godsend. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
The best contribution from the 70s would be the whole fashion look: I imagine a picture I've seen from then with big giant high-waisted wide-leg bell bottoms in rust, leather belt and matching wedge sandals in the perfect 70s brown worn leather, mauve and cream silky button-down blouse with bow tie, long wavy hair, giant sunglasses and light brown floppy hat. Some serious fashion has come from a look like this from the 70s!
I'm gonna have to say all the kid clothes! I search thrift stores for them and love to dress my kiddos in 70's frocks!
My favorite farm animal is the chicken. I love them because they lay very yummy eggs. I like the so much that I looked into raising them in my backyard (in the burbs).
The Ramones.
I thought I was going to be original and say me, but I guess other people thought of that too!
And being a true child born in the 70s - I'd say video games!
since my birthday is coming up, i would use the fabric to sew myself an apron and matching oven mitts
Ewoks! Or were the ewok movies from the 80s?
Great fashion!
Rollerblades! (1979) I love them, even though they seem to have gone out of style. (Or at least they have where I live!)
Maxi dresses! They are a staple in my house.
It has to be the music - Disco!
Jaws the movie. 1975
Me. 1977
love this fabric! how about Twiggy? or was she 60s? hmmmm....
I gotta say the fashion! I think it was really different at the time and always make a comeback here and there!
I'd say me, but I missed the 70's by one year (I won't say which direction). I love disco
I missed saying "me" by just a few weeks - born in Nov '69...which means at 42, I've lived in 6 decades? Wow, now I feel old!
So I'd say my faves from the 70's are disaster movies and really bad tv shows!
In January of 1976, my very good looking, kind-hearted husband was born. He's definitely at the tippy-tippy-top of the long list of wonderful things to come out of the 70's.
Am I a weirdo for realizing that my comment is #70 on a post about the 70's?
me. hee hee. I am glad I am not the only one who thought that. :o) I am going to go with Weebles.
Rocky Horror Picture Show! Awesome cult classic.
The Partridge Family! I wish someone would make a Partridge Family-inspired fabric line...
Disco disco DISCO!!! Definitely!
Love those colors in that fabric! I think the 70s were awesome for all of the great strides in movies, technology, and design!
I love the movie Grease which came out in 1978! sewvery(at)gmail(dot)com
My older sister, who's always been my best friend!
Beautiful fabric! At first thought, I'd have to say, speaking for my boys: The orignal Star Wars episodes!
Winged Hair!
I shared on FB!
Oh gosh, I have no idea. lol Bellbottoms? I loved those when I was a teen (in the 90's). :)
Stumbled! (Username: ambereyes)
Hmmm...I wasn't a part of the 70's, but some of the music from the 70's is pretty spectacular.
My husband is vintage 79. He's my favorite contributions from the whole decade. Followed closely by my brother, of course. :)
It's been a long time but i'm remembering bell bottoms & mood rings.
I know this is silly but I would have to say....my son Christopher! Also, in 1972 the Equal Rights Amendment was approved by congress.
Loving this fabric!
I would have to say one of my most favorite contributions from the 70's would have to be Holly Hobbie! We share the same first name and my mother and big sisters got me most anything that had her face on it for years. I think I played with my HH sleeping bag until it literally fell to pieces!
The birth of the gen xers. :-) Also, I love 1970's television: Bewitched, The Brady Bunch, Three's Company, All In the Family, Good Times, One Day at a Time.
My first thought was ME and I saw someone else had the same thought! ;)
I love the music, movies and TV shows(more family friendly).
The first episode of "All My Children" aired. I use to watch it at my neighbors when I was little.
And Women start to take higher positions in government around the world according to Wikipedia.
I. Love. This. Fabric.
Now vintage pillowcases & sheets, which I scour thrift stores for to make cute clothes for my girls.
I was '81 so just missed this great era. I will say I love so much of what came out of it - bell bottoms, the music, the style!
Microwave ovens for the home! What would I do without mine. I remember my family buying our first one...it was a beast!
Apparently spreadsheets were invented in the 1970s. The organizational freak in me is grateful.
My first thought was my husband but I see others have posted that also. But I really am happy for him and for me and most of my friends who are from the 70's.
I grew up listening to Pink Floyd, Journey, AC/DC, Clapton, Jefferson Airplane and many others thanks to my folks. Great music era! mfrapp_83 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I've shared the giveaway on facebook
I would say that my husband, best thing to come out of the 70s!
Well, I was a teenager in the 70's ... and there were lots of fun things - which I still enjoy now - Disco music! - I still love that music - and when I am having a hard time getting started cleaning - I tune to 70's rock and roll and before you know it - I'm singing and cleaning :)
Cathy Byrd
Play that funky music white boys!
The e-mail, the cell phone, me!! I was born in the 70's, great decade indeed :)
Best thing from the 70's ... my sisters and my husband!
I would have to say Janis Joplin!
The 70's gave us a lot of great stuff!! Here's one medical miracle from that decade: On July 25, 1978, Louise Joy Brown, the world's first successful "test-tube" baby was born in Great Britain!!! :-)
I tweeted at twitter!! or is it I twittered a tweet?! :-) https://twitter.com/#!/GwenWindham/status/156752060723904514
Strawberry Shortcake first debuted in the late 70's as a greeting card cover! I loved Strawberry as a child and now with the new remake my three year old daughter does too!
And of course I shared on FB!
love the bell botttoms! :)
I'm not even sure what came from the 70s but I have a really cool humble pie record that sounds pretty 70s-ish?
If that doesn't work, I certainly do love me some Star Wars.
Ha, I have to copy a couple of other people. I am a product of the 70s, so I have to say me :)
Scooby Doo!!
I would say the music...Who doesnt love Stairway to Heaven or lets not forgt Hotel California
"Jaws" was a fabulous part of the 70s! I love those movies!
love the hippies and tye dye! so fun!!
I'd have to say Star Wars ;o)
I know it's cheesy, and he's not the greatest gift to all of society, but I think that the best thing the 70's brought me was my husband.
Fleetwood Mac!
I love the Better Homes and Gardens 70's craft magazines with the photo's of tons of crafts but you have to read the fine print to find out if there is a pattern. It's my Where's Waldo. In the 80s the mag's are boring and the photo's obvious. :/ Also - bellbottoms (I think).
Jimmy Carter - the sweetest president ever! :)
seventies music!! love the disco fever!! :)
all the wonderful style!!! clothes, furniture, deco, hair.. I love the 70's... I was born 1980....and I always wish I had been a young woman in those days...
I love the rock group Queen---formed in 71
Star Wars and bell bottoms!
Star Wars and bell bottoms!
I must say my MOST favorite 1970's contribution happened in September 1976 and it is....My Husband, without him I wouldn't be who I am today!!!
I must say my MOST favorite 1970's contribution happened in September 1976 and it is....My Husband, without him I wouldn't be who I am today!!!
(I am reposting this in hopes that I am no longer "Unknown")
What I love about the 70s is the tie die shirts, the fabulous hair, and the interesting shoes.
The best thing about the 70s I'd have to say was the invention of the first cell phone... Where would we be today without our smart phones...
The best thing about the 70s I'd have to say was the invention of the first cell phone... Where would we be today without our smart phones...
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The great guy I married was born in the 70's, so that will be my top one :)
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