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Prudent Baby

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Genuine Germ Drops!

Louise from I'm Feelin Crafty made up a batch of our Monster Spray, and it was so succesful at vanquishing the beasts in her child's closet, that she was inspired to create these germ drops. We loved them so much, we asked her to share. Take it away Louise...

I'm so honored to be posting here at Prudent Baby! Wow! Yep, I'm blushing again!
Have you made Prudent Baby's Monster Spray yet? We concocted some spray of our own earlier this year. And let me tell you.... It gets rid of our monsters like nothing else! There are those nights where we have to spray down the room. And there's been at least one night that Daddy ran around the outside of the house spraying a 'No Monster Barrier' around the house while chanting 'NO MONSTERS, NO MONSTERS, NO MONSTERS'! Who knows what the neighbors thought about that, but who cares, our little guy was able to sleep peacefully! So then when the medicine comes out for the boo boos and all I get are screams, I had an idea... Genuine Germ Drops!

Find out all about Louise's Genuine Germ Drops and get the free downloads after the jump...

Genuine Germ Drops

I had gotten a set of mini bottles, a spray bottle and a push top drop bottle. And that's where the Genuine Germ Drops were inspired! OK, here's the secret, if you haven't already figured it out... The germ drops are really just a bottle filled with hydrogen peroxide (Or your favorite boo boo medication, it doesn't have to be hydrogen peroxide. This may not be the #1 doctor recommended solution but you could apply the fancy label to whatever you use – always ask your pediatrician for the right medication for the job!) and a fancy label. SHHHHHH!

Do you have kids? A boy or a girl? And do you have boo boos??? We seem to get quite a few around here. Luckily no major ones, yet...
And I have to admit something to you. It's kinda a weird habit... Ok, here it goes... Deep breath... OK.... I absolutely LOVE using hydrogen peroxide on scraps and cuts and watching it bubble getting out all the dirty little germs. I don't want there to be germs, but I love the bubbles when they are there!!!

So of course, I am trying to imprint this love affair with bubbling hydrogen peroxide with my son, but every time I'd pull out that brown bottle... In a blink of my eyes my son would be running away at full speed screaming at the top of his lungs, 'It's going to HHHHUUUURRRRRTTTTTT'!!! But when that same stuff comes out of the Germ Drop bottle, he's starting to see the beauty in the bubbles! ahhhh.....

To make your own.... First, download the label that fits your bottle by clicking on the image below. I have the smaller one for the small bottles like the one we have and the larger one for more normal sized bottles. Second, print the labels. I printed mine like a mailing label (and yes I only needed one but ended up with a whole sheet of them.) Lastly, cut, peel and stick!

Download here: 2X4 Germ Drops Label
Download here: 4X5 Germ Drops Label

And I have to give another shout out to Prudent Baby for inspiring this project and making mothering a little bit easier! This project and the design was totally inspired from their Monster Spray!
Let me know if the germ drops are as much a success in your home as they are in ours!
And a couple of points I've just learned from readers, 1. if you use HP in a clear bottle like mine, keep it in a dark cabinet or it becomes just plain sterilized water. And 2. HP might not be the best for wound care, so feel free to use the labels on any boo boo medication you prefer. For clarity we use the HP, followed by soap and water with a third course of a neosporin type medication.

Isn't this adorable? Thanks Louise! Here's a few favorite posts from Louise's blog to scope out...

Double layer pillowcase dresses, plushie owl party favors, island playmat, and an upcycled drum!

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Blogger Jacinda said...

I LOVE the little germs, they are so cute!

August 16, 2011 at 8:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Just don't let them wear good clothing while using this. :) I love using peroxide, with all of the bubbles it makes me feel like the cut or scrape is getting cleaned out.

August 16, 2011 at 9:21 AM  
Blogger AnnaPK said...

This is a great idea! I love her blog! Thank you for sharing it!

August 16, 2011 at 9:39 AM  
Blogger Nurse Betty said...

FYI: "Hydrogen Peroxide not only eats away at the germs, it also eats away at the healthy tissue. This causes additional tissue damage, the wound stays open longer and takes longer to heal (increasing the risk of infection). A better choice would be cleaning with normal saline (sterile, buffered water solution), available at the drug store, then apply a dab of triple antibiotic ointment directly to a cartoon bandaid, and applying the special bandaid to the wound."

August 16, 2011 at 1:48 PM  
Blogger Ronda C. said...

Hydrogen Peroxide should be kept in the dark bottle because it will break down when exposed to light. Good Idea though.

August 24, 2011 at 11:44 AM  
Blogger Aleta said...

Our pediatrician says to use half peroxide and half water. Still the benefit of germ killing but less harmful to healthy living tissue than full strength HP is. BUT My grandma has put HP on all our cuts and scrapes my whole life and I've never gotten an infection of even a scar. BUT her biggest rule was to only put it on at the time of the injury, never the next day or later.

August 31, 2011 at 11:39 AM  

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